Tony Johnston
Born Cambridge NZ July 15 1945
Papakura High School
Auckland University
Ardmore Teachers College
Teacher (primary) Hokianga Whangarei Sth Auckland 1967-70
Retuned to Papakura
Self employed 1970-74
Started painting/pottery
Various Short term teaching and other jobs to support my art
From Papakura
Moved to Kuratau Lake Taupo 1989-90
Ohakune 1995-96
Whakatiwai (Kaiaua) 1996 -2015
(with small breaks relieving teaching and working in Auckland)
First Show Nathan Homestead1970
Various one man and group shows Manukau City Community galleries
Murals produced for Manukau City Council Chamber and Manurewa Library
Exhibitions Warwick Brown Gallery Portfolio Gallery 1997-2001
Large Bird Sculpture Kaiaua Foreshore 2002-2005
Generally pottering around on old age pension until workshop fire March 2015 which combined with family circumstances has made me get very serious about being a real artist.
Parliament Building Collection
Aucland City (via Manukau City)
Private collections in England, France, America, Australia and New Zealand.